The Cycle of Perfectionism

The Cycle of Perfectionism

This constant pursuit of perfection and success may give you the feeling that you have control of your life. This is only an illusion. The truth is, perfectionism doesn’t give you more control over our unpredictable world. It’s normal to want things to be a certain way, and it’s healthy to strive to reach realistic goals, but things go overboard when we our life and goals are driven by fear of failure and disappointing others.

Isn’t it time to break away from the cycle of perfectionism, burnout, and high-functioning anxiety? We think so.

Get To The Root Of Your Stress: 5 Things That Make You Vulnerable To Stress

Get To The Root Of Your Stress: 5 Things That Make You Vulnerable To Stress

Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. It is the body’s physical response to a real or perceived threat, demand, or danger.

Everyone experiences stress at different levels. Even when the same stressors are present, our experiences can be different. Certain groups experience higher levels of stress, for example, communities of color, LGBTQIA+, women, and parents.

Stress isn’t always harmful. For example, think about the motivation you feel to study for your next exam, or the urge to make a to-do list on a Sunday. These are positive ways that stress can help you focus and complete tasks. But when stress is frequent and intense, it can affect your overall health, resulting in a reduced quality of life.

This is why we want to help you get to the root cause of your stress, understand the ays it manifests for you, and learn preventative tools for coping with stress. Because you deserve a healthy, happy life.

7 Common Problems You Might Be Facing as a Highly Sensitive Person (And What to do About Them)

7 Common Problems You Might Be Facing as a Highly Sensitive Person (And What to do About Them)

Has a trip to the grocery store ever sent you home in a panic? Was it the fluorescent lights buzzing? The sticky feeling of your sneakers on the floor? Maybe it was the squeaky wheel on your grocery cart or the strong smell of fresh paint? Maybe it was the awkward small talk with an old friend you saw or the interaction you had with the cashier. Or, maybe, it was all of it.

If you’ve ever experienced being overwhelmed like this, you might be a highly sensitive person and you aren’t alone. Nearly 20% of people are highly sensitive and face the same common issues. And while highly sensitive people might experience similar challenges, let me be clear that sensitivity is in no way a character flaw.

Being a highly sensitive person is not a diagnosis, and we discourage the use of it as a negative label for yourself and others. The list we are sharing today is intended to help highly sensitive people feel validated and understand why they may feel a certain way. This list can also be a helpful tool for friends and family of highly sensitive people.

Being sensitive has a negative connotation for a lot of people, especially if they have been accused of or labeled with it in the past. We hope we can help reframe the way people see sensitivity.