
The Cycle of Perfectionism

The Cycle of Perfectionism

This constant pursuit of perfection and success may give you the feeling that you have control of your life. This is only an illusion. The truth is, perfectionism doesn’t give you more control over our unpredictable world. It’s normal to want things to be a certain way, and it’s healthy to strive to reach realistic goals, but things go overboard when we our life and goals are driven by fear of failure and disappointing others.

Isn’t it time to break away from the cycle of perfectionism, burnout, and high-functioning anxiety? We think so.

How To Cultivate Self-Compassion: Part 4. Positive Comparison

How To Cultivate Self-Compassion: Part 4. Positive Comparison

Welcome to part 4 of our self-compassion journal series! We’ve explored what self-compassion through daily journaling, letter writing, and positive affirmations. Today we’re cultivating self-compassion through positive comparison.

Social comparison is completely natural in the development of humans. It’s normal to compare your productivity, looks, and abilities to other people in order to place yourself in the world. With such easy access now to heavily curated lives online, it can be even harder to avoid falling into a hole of jealousy and negative comparison. But there is a way that we can empower ourselves through comparison too. The trick? Self-compassion of course!

Should We Make Time For People Who Don't Make Time For Us?

Should We Make Time For People Who Don't Make Time For Us?

What do we do when it seems our friends are too busy for us? First, try not to jump to conclusions; chances are they aren’t avoiding you on purpose. Second, don’t be too hard on your busy friends, we don’t always know what’s on someone’s plate, even our closest friends. Here are a few things to keep in mind and options to try when it seems like your friend is too busy for you.

Finding Empowerment In Your Feed: How To Reduce Social Media Comparison

Finding Empowerment In Your Feed: How To Reduce Social Media Comparison

We’ve found a few helpful ways to manage social media and we’d love to share them with you! Remember that we can choose to make social media a safe place full of inspiration, joy and useful content. We can change our consumption by switching from an algorithm of content that’s draining, triggering, or pushes unattainable body standards to one that promotes and prioritizes our self-care. And we also have the option to opt out of our online worlds to be happier in the present too.