
How to set and honor your intentions for the new year

How to set and honor your intentions for the new year

2020 wasn’t easy; an unforgettable year with so many challenges, changes, and hardships. This year also showed us how resilient humans can be, and what truly matters in life. Maybe this year you looked inward, disrupted generational wounds, rethought our criminal justice and policing systems, stood against injustice, explored and checked your privilege, created healthy boundaries, stayed home for the safety of the collective, asked for help, realized self-love is attainable, or maybe you just slowed down. Throughout it all, here we are! We’ve survived and that alone is worth celebrating. A new year does not mean you have to create a new you, but it can be a great opportunity to give yourself permission to turn a new page, to reconnect with what you value, and to feel better.

The 5 Steps For Making Your New Year's Resolutions Stick

The 5 Steps For Making Your New Year's Resolutions Stick

The tradition of making and sticking to New Year’s Resolutions is daunting for many of us. Surveys show that resolutions are often abandoned by the second week of January and many of us are left feeling discouraged and frustrated. Here we our 5 tips on how to follow through and really stick to your new year goals and intentions.